How much is your business worth?

Learn to think through the value of your business.

Owners sell businesses to capitalize on value. So, it only makes sense that the biggest question most owners have when considering a sale is: how much can I expect to receive for my business?

The answer, of course, is complicated. This whitepaper is designed to help unpack it.

Here’s what it covers:

  • Internal factors impacting business value
  • External factors impacting business value
  • An equation for calculating business value
  • Notes on expected multiples in your industry

The decision to sell your business is weighted with logistical and emotional considerations.

Fill out the form here to download the whitepaper and take the first step toward the information you need to make an informed decision.

  • Bob is very trustworthy. He really acted on our behalf, and he knows the process all the way through. That really helped us.

  • Bob got me 20% more through the process (as compared to initial offers).